How to make opening address

Monday, September 21, 2009

How to make opening address

A: Do you know how to make opening address?

B: Yes, I do.

A: For instance, if you were the Prime Minister of Cambodia, then you have to make opening address at a meeting. First of all, what should you say?

B: In the name of the Prime Minister of Cambodia, I have to greet members of the meeting by saying that:

-Excellencies, distinguished representative.

-Excellencies, members of the Royal Government.

-Excellencies, ladies, and gentlemen.

It is a great honor and pleasure for me to meet all of you here again. I wish to take this opportunity to extend our warm welcome to your Excellencies, ladies, and gentlemen at this important meeting.

A: After finishing of welcome president and members of the meeting, what would you do?

B: We should make short report on the activities of the RGC.

A: What sectors should we mention at session?

B: We should raise some main points as the following: security and social order, strengthen of democracy, rule of law, reforms and international relations, social and economic development, poverty alleviation and conclusion.

A: I find out that you are protocol.

B: Thank you for your compliment, why do you think like this?

A: Because you have clear answers and it’s easy to understand.

B: Ok, don’t flatter me. This is a little bit idea comes from my overview and general knowledge.

A: Thanks for your time! Bye


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